Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thailand's Lese Majeste Laws Update

A prominent Thai Political Scientist is the latest to exile from the land of smiles. Why? The lese majeste crackdown continues.

How is it possible that in a land that has been on the brink of democracy such laws exist? Why?

1 comment:

  1. This is a tricky question. Many cultures in Asia see the monarch as the human figure on the earth to connect with gods and ancestors. As such, the monarch and the monarchy have absolute power and authority over the ruled. Look at Japan and Hirohito who was revered as a God and no one spoke negatively about him until after his death. Even many who took part in the Nanking Massacre did not speak out unti the emporer died.
    Countries should have some sense of pride in themeselves as a nation and a people, but when does nationalism interfere the advancement of a country. Not speaking out against the government borders on totalitarianism. Look at the dictatatorships throughout history. No one spoke out against Hitler, Mussolini, or Stalin; those that did disappeared.
    A nation, or country, only advances when it looks at its mistakes and failings to improve itself for the future.
    Governments and institutions hate change, so I do not see any change in this law anytime soon. However, I feel that if Myanamr is to advance it must repeal this law.
